Thursday, January 31, 2013

Good morning blog, January 31/2013 I am here today with my new writing group. I already know a few things about them. They are punctual and responsible which are a fantastic character traits. I am excited to know them better.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer school of 9 hours and the drought are over. I survived both; I learned because of both. You might know this would be the year we plowed up our field and grew a coop garden. Choices were forced on me that I did not want to make. Do I give up having beautiful flower gardens that have been part of my life for the past 26 years, or do I give the water to the vegetable garden that will put food on the table this winter. Confident that time and resources were not going to be an issue, and against my husbands advice, the garden went in and won the bulk of the water. The flowers suffered and many died. Would I have done it if I had known the sacrifices involved? I don't think so. Have I enjoyed the fresh produce? Totally. Will I grow another enormous vegetable garden next year? The money has already been spent for the materials which are now sitting and ready for another season. The answer is yes. If we have another drought next year...that may be the end. Time will tell. I'm praying for a summer of Camelot. Lovely by day and gentle showers by night...only in Camelot.
Popups are on my mind. It irritates me to have to read and see something that I don't want to. I guess it's all about free programs. I may have to rethink where I want to write. I loved this blog at first, but now it has pop ups that are not desirable to see. School has started. I have a nice class. It's the smallest class I've had since I began teaching. That alone is fantastic. It still seems like lots of people to manage and enjoy and teach. I want to be a fantastic teacher. I don't want to be mediocre. My graduate classes have been like fresh air to me. Tonight it was on my mind that now I'm back in school, I'm a student again and I'm constantly learning. Once I was in the real world of teaching and my questions were constant, I no longer had time or energy to be able to find answers. Maybe I didn't even know what the questions were. I would say I have students who do not feel they have anything to offer. That's how I felt in the field. I'm thankful to be learning and have new things to offer and share. It is pushing me to new levels? Totally. Do I find frustrations in the push? Totally. I'm wondering if this blog will be appropriate for my new class. I had no idea that It was a writing project class. It will be a continuation of constant learning. I hope I can excel.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday before the school year begins

It's the Friday before the new school year begins. There are plenty of things to do. I need to update my school web so parents and students can take a peek at who Mrs. Ashley is. That's top on my priority list. Yesterday I sent my parent and student letters. This morning as I check out my portfolio page, I clicked on my Homegrown slideshow and it's gone. I went back to Google Presentations - Documents nothing. At this point, I am calm but frustrated. I see a post that says they disapear after x amount of time. What's the point. I don't think I have it saved anywhere else. The posts clog up together. I make line spaces, but when it is published, the words move. I'm out of time to figure out this blog. It makes me want to choose a blogsite!!!!!!!!!!! Something to consider.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Part 6 Digital Writing Unit

Part 6 Mini lessons – review – differences 1. Prewriting 2. Drafting 3. Revising 4. Editing Partners explore Google Presentation, Prezi, Smile box, Movie Maker, PowerPoint, Screencasting, Part 7 Mini lessons – 1. Voice 2. Audience 3. Purpose Why does it matter Nancy Atwell - every piece should have a so what to it? Work time: Assessments for time management, rubric for process will be given about this time in the lessons. Regular free writes with sharing will be included in each day. Mini lessons and reflections of each part will be included in the Degree Paper

Part 5 Digital Writing Unit

Part 5 Mini Lessons - 1. Digital audio recordings pg 49-75 2. Digital stories and essays pg 58-75 Freewrite – Of all the information you gave about yourself in your Digital 5 frame story “Who am I” Write some specific details about the events in your five frames. Where were you? Why were you there? Why do you wish you were in the picture or at the place? Who is important to you? Why? When did you begin enjoying these activities? Who influences you? Show Digital Story “Transformation, A Dream” and “The Family reunion” Class discussion: Talk about drafts and revising Now, underline one event or activity that you think you could turn into a bigger story.

Part 3 and 4 of Digital Writing Unit

Part 3 Place students into small writing groups Part 4- Digital Stories – What are they? How are they different? Mini Lessons – Reference - The Digital Writing Workshop by Troy Hicks 1. Compare - Writers Workshop to Digital Writers Workshop pg 1-4 2. Integrating new technologies pg 5-10 3. Blogging pg 31-41 Class Blog is pulled up and ready for responses. Remember that we are building our community so we want all positive statements and comments. 1. Write about something that surprised you, excited you about the team, and confused you? You can ask questions of your classmates on the Blog. Then, respond to one other person that hasn’t had a response yet. (We’ll revisit this in May to see if we have changed.) Today’s is ready for your comments. Respond and give a positive character trait you see in someone. Let’s try to include every team member. Look to see who hasn’t been included yet. Examples: kind, athletic, compassionate, caring, thoughtful, fun, humorous, creative etc…