Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 3 Digital Writing JUly 18, 2012/Ira Glass and Troy Hicks

This morning I have Ira Glass on my mind. His story tellers captured my attention. Their voices were right and the stories interesting. Afterwards he as hosts adds the fun because he talks to the writers and lets us hear what was going on behind the scene of each story. On NWP we are asked to comment on each piece which adds the same element, the real person behind the story. How to capture these skills and talent I feel sure will take practice and a safe place to write. My classroom will be one of those places.

My next thoughts go to Troy Hicks and his book on Digital Writing. He also brought many applicable thoughts to my mind and table.
He lists effective and ineffective and says ask if you don't know.
In a fast moving world booming with new ideas and words and technology, some are feeling left behind.
I'm going to change the words: Effective might mean expertise and ineffective might be ignorance. Effective might be a strength where ineffective might be a challenge.
All of these are positive in a way because it means we have space to learn. The negative comes in when we are fearful of rejection for our challenges and areas of ignorance. If I am ignorant about car engines but I have an expertise in writing then should I be viewed as stupid? If I am ignorant about basketball but I have an expertise in tennis than am I to be considered stupid? If I have am ignorant about computers and technology because it is changing so fast but I have an expertise in horticulture than should I be viewed as stupid?
Children and adults will back up and not try if this is the case. We must view every person as valuable with great strengths to offer, always willing to listen because hearing another will make you wise says research.
Troy Hicks in his book Digital Writing added that we must not be afraid to ask. There is a world of people who want to learn and will try if they feel safe to get help. I'm asking everyone with an expertise to be willing to freely share it whatever that strength might be. I plan to write much more about this topic.

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