Topics I plan to write about:
Ira Glass and Digital Storytelling - listen more
Effective and Ineffective vs Expertise and Ignorance
Every person is valuable
My amazing 83 year old mother that constantly inspires me
My daughter and her many experiences and struggles to accept herself
My grandchildren - births, daily fun events
The overwhelming feeling of joy when Emma was born.
The fears when Gabe was born.
Emma living with me for one year
SArah coming back to her family and the healing process
Growing up - Everything started and ended at the pond I once wrote??????
Michael and Taiwan
Andrew cooking over the camp fire as a youth
forging and the impact it had on all of us
wrestling and the impact on me and my families
my youth growing up in a house of 9
my journey as a gardener
My journey as a learner and student
First year of teaching
Ny and my son and daughter's move and experiences
visiting Taiwan and travelig
Ashley reunion stories and ideas
school stories
what makes people competitive
where do a persons character traits come from
Empty nesters
Running and being fit
Lauras show in NY
Michael's show in Mississippi
relationships with and w/o guilt
doing the important instead of the immediate
gift giving
young for a lifetime
the ashley girls (elaine, sarah , laura jenny, emma)
dont count the days, make the days count - how is this possible?
book pass - ways to use it
the effect of small writing groups
coaching groups and a writing club
recycling resourses from free writes
right to learn
research dad and the different parts of his life
the pond, animals, barn, grandparents, siblings, parents, school, friends,
waterfall, neighbors, cheerleading, working for my lunch
stories about mom that make her who she is and that influences me.
obstacle courses, tree houses, GAA, teachers, babysitting, SMiths
working as a young person
working at the army depot and the sexual harrasement that went on there.
riding with mary to the depot to and from
aunts and uncles
my name and family names
church, sunday school, bible school,
teaching those things
booster club moms
Womens missionary league at church
being pregnant
delivering babies
the basement growing up
traveling overseas the adventure and the fears, the joys and regrets
the trainride seeing the ocean and the rock formations
missing our connections on the train
getting an extra experience because of it.
staying at the gorge
reading a great book on the trip
clostrfobic and the plane
tylenol pm to get back home
watching movies as we traveled
food throught out the two weeks
hot pots, japanese restaurant with Chin and family pink an fancy family style
everyone sharing
meal with friend intimate special converstaion and food just returning from the states
raining rainingand flooding
frustration with Ron
was this new to travel just do it and how did it change me
art influence from living on the campus for one week at an art intitute
metal, ceramics, body parts - thesis - babies in cages -
I was excited to hear about someone with roots from the Ozarks. Someone(Audrey) who is invested in having a small town be again where she will want to live as an adult. I have asked her how the ozarks shaped her.
What is a story in its purest form
every story has lots of side stories
what is an anticdote?
start with the action - maybe a good place to start
give your audience bate....leave them in suspension
raise questions and the answer them.
those out more questions to keep them interested
another tool... have moments of reflection. heres why I'm telling you a story
heres why Im taking your time
anicdote with reflection
action and events that mean noghint its predictable thats a problem
something boring but very interesting and compeling
do you have a sequence of events and why does it matter
<b>nancy atwell - every piece should have a so what to it?
Tearning down the what...its who I am today and where I live. Without the wall coming down I wouln't have this amazing place to work and create.
my story is i'm not used to traveling and i risk being too frightened to embrace it. I did indeed miss out on many parts and so time I'm going to be different just as now when I travel I don't stop in the middle of the road to be hit by a car not expecting me to I take the wrong turn without fear and make my way back.
As a child I wouldn't ask questions or I take chances and make my way back if thee is a problem
deportee daughers. memory
faded wriitng is coing across the screen a girl is looking for mail. a picture of a brinck walk between tow paths of grass. moving slowily making me wonder where it is going. it looks like the side of a buildig it's a train track. I hear a tain. it is moving slowly again as if I am hoinh somewhere. a ;icture of a peninsula and islands faded out. a village in a valley moving slowly across the valleyy letting me see the village faded out. a church faded in, but still and she is talkinga bout a death and grrave and she didn't cry. the screen is black. a cross apears that the daugher bought for him and she cried. blank again the words are coing acoss the screen. father
she said her father didn't cry as if there was more the the story that she didn't know.
feeling lost but also feeling connected. wondered if we were on the right bus to get to the town. late and dark beautiful and quaint but can't get to the ocean. I want to get to the ocean. What is there to eat. Will it be safe?
the guys ate squid, we walked we relaxed a bit we got sunburned. I was upset about my swim suit it didn't seem right. I finally got it and embraced. Rons foot got to burned that he couldn't walk. ahah to find kentucky friend chicken and mcdonalds
woodly eggs, unbaked bread dough... raw everything...taipai 101
open market and right beside it subways fast and zooming off to the
1 Hit Taipai on plane and see michael with a sign to welcome us me in tears he thinking
to see surviving the flight feeling like I was going to screem from lack of space. I wish I would have written about it then. I wonder if I did somewhere.
2 Michael not quite sure about which train or how much the concerned about cost. I wish I hadn't been, a regret
3. Going to a fantastic place to stay arranged by his professor a place for teachers and students. No shoes on hard wood floors slippers provided. coverlets with giant holes to remove for washing...
seeing likenesses of my world and things so different.
4. heading for the market in the morning, raw food hanging everywhere. So many unknowns. who is buying this food
Most of the population eats from a corner kitchens, too hot and housing too small. So... the market is mostly for those setting up kitchens only divided by particians or tables.raw eggs
5. TAipai 101 another world not so far away. big new and extravagant compared to the aveerage person with their scooter making a way about $4000.00 per year per family.
Tiny trucks, motorcycles, help finding our way.
Markets with antiques
6. ride the subway...which one, how much, will we make it back, will we find our way? we missed our stop(too slow the doors open and close in about 6 seconds. Show tickets to conductor with concern. Get off now and wait........ will another train come????
bus train with school chidlren and teacher open windows very old
7. onto the gorge there was little to do, but it was beautiful. time with the family which we were not used to. pingpong, strange food, reading, walking, hicking up the mountain.
8.we rode in a double decker bus home a bit cheaper but not worth the difference. Ive never been so afraid of a vehicle falling off the cliff. He drove fast and ferious at the edge of the mountain
9. needing more transportation. back on the train. it looked like an airport being their main mode of transpotation. it takes us to a bus station. is it right??? it's getting dark are we on the right bus. Did we miss our stop? Too much fear
9. Canten I think is the name of the town that is at the southern tip. A village full of life.
10. a quaint place connections from michaels friend. colorful and exciting I want to go to the beach. At the end of each swimming... no access to the beach. I was giving up hope this was the only chance we would have to be on the beaches of Taiwan. why no access. who controls it its the ocean for heavens sake.
The guys ate squid grilled out on the street. I was afraid to eat anything with eyes, feet and fins all attached. I got hungry. Toilets were often holes in the floor. I neer did use one. I could hold it... I loved the bright colorful place, furnishings and people. Time to leave...We hung our clothing on the balcony to have it be soaked this would be the beginning of the rain.
A coffee house we went to be blessings as there was little business. Beautiful presentation...tasted bitter
11. At the beach...I had the wrong swim suit, ron got burned. shopping would have been more fun with extra cash and knowing what was ahead...still fun to window shop
12 Finally to the Art Institute. Nice appartment provided once again by Michael's professor. A narrow walk with bannana trees and lush vegetation. A waterway throughout the campus brought a beauty to every turn. The studios and kiln rooms were massive and finally meeting the people we had heard about all year was the best part.
Chin and family, Young She, Gwo Wie(gone to Missouri to return on our exit day)
Ying Shiou, others??? only a small store for food but markets in the area, noodles and rice, noodles and rice, noodles and rice. Even though we practiced chop sticks I was worthless at the art. Art art art creating in every direction.
I took pictures and painted. watched and tried to be a listener with eyes open
13 It began to rain and rain and rain and rain an rain. The waterway began to rise. We began hearing news of flooding. I brought a clear light weight rain coat complete with hood which I wore costantly. I found contentment in watching and painting and reading.
Not until late did we find out about adventure for michael, yes, hardships and frustrations and healing there about his world and childhood. yes.
Hard bed built into a building in the fill.
14 grad shows - He may body parts every where in cans and on shelves. The idea was that someday we'll be able to go to the store and buy whatever we need. I turned the corner to see faceless babies in cages, many in various positions. I never did understand though I tried. A show of many art styles and mediums.
15. Raining raining and the flooding is becoming fearful. We are hearing of deaths in the south. It is time to leave the country and not too soon. Leaving Michael behind was as painful as the planeride over. How would I return remembering the fobia I felt 13 days earlier.
16A wonderful opportunity...I wish I could have relaxed and embraced it. Not cared if we were lost, not cared if we spent too much time we would pay it back.
Since then I am changing that. I am taking in life and trying to take opportunities as it comes along...Graduate school. Is life easy every day? no, but Is it full of miracles and joy if we look for it???? yes.
Wow, so much to think about. What was it that you feared with Gabe?
ReplyDeleteI would love to read about empty nesters! I think about it a lot, but I've never actually read anything. Maybe because it is soooo far away for me. But, while I absolutely love spending time with my daughter (and future daughter), I think I tend to glorify the days that I can focus on me again. I think about all the interests and hobbies I want to pursue but have delayed to focus on my family. I'm not bitter or anything, but I wonder sometimes if having an empty nest is going to really be as serene and simple as I imagine. I'm also worried that I'm going to develop some sort of panic disorder as I won't be able to watch/see (maybe overlook?) my children every day. Reading the perspective of an experienced empty nester may help me.