Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Summer school of 9 hours and the drought are over. I survived both; I learned because of both.
You might know this would be the year we plowed up our field and grew a coop garden. Choices were forced on me that I did not want to make. Do I give up having beautiful flower gardens that have been part of my life for the past 26 years, or do I give the water to the vegetable garden that will put food on the table this winter. Confident that time and resources were not going to be an issue, and against my husbands advice, the garden went in and won the bulk of the water. The flowers suffered and many died. Would I have done it if I had known the sacrifices involved? I don't think so. Have I enjoyed the fresh produce? Totally. Will I grow another enormous vegetable garden next year? The money has already been spent for the materials which are now sitting and ready for another season. The answer is yes. If we have another drought next year...that may be the end. Time will tell. I'm praying for a summer of Camelot. Lovely by day and gentle showers by night...only in Camelot.
Popups are on my mind. It irritates me to have to read and see something that I don't want to. I guess it's all about free programs. I may have to rethink where I want to write. I loved this blog at first, but now it has pop ups that are not desirable to see.
School has started. I have a nice class. It's the smallest class I've had since I began teaching. That alone is fantastic. It still seems like lots of people to manage and enjoy and teach. I want to be a fantastic teacher. I don't want to be mediocre. My graduate classes have been like fresh air to me.
Tonight it was on my mind that now I'm back in school, I'm a student again and I'm constantly learning. Once I was in the real world of teaching and my questions were constant, I no longer had time or energy to be able to find answers. Maybe I didn't even know what the questions were.
I would say I have students who do not feel they have anything to offer. That's how I felt in the field. I'm thankful to be learning and have new things to offer and share.
It is pushing me to new levels? Totally. Do I find frustrations in the push? Totally.
I'm wondering if this blog will be appropriate for my new class. I had no idea that It was a writing project class. It will be a continuation of constant learning. I hope I can excel.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Friday before the school year begins
It's the Friday before the new school year begins. There are plenty of things to do. I need to update my school web so parents and students can take a peek at who Mrs. Ashley is. That's top on my priority list.
Yesterday I sent my parent and student letters.
This morning as I check out my portfolio page, I clicked on my Homegrown slideshow and it's gone. I went back to Google Presentations - Documents nothing.
At this point, I am calm but frustrated. I see a post that says they disapear after x amount of time.
What's the point. I don't think I have it saved anywhere else.
The posts clog up together. I make line spaces, but when it is published, the words move. I'm out of time to figure out this blog. It makes me want to choose a blogsite!!!!!!!!!!! Something to consider.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Part 6 Digital Writing Unit
Part 6
Mini lessons – review – differences
1. Prewriting
2. Drafting
3. Revising
4. Editing
Partners explore Google Presentation, Prezi, Smile box, Movie Maker, PowerPoint, Screencasting,
Part 7
Mini lessons –
1. Voice
2. Audience
3. Purpose
Why does it matter Nancy Atwell - every piece should have a so what to it?
Work time: Assessments for time management, rubric for process will be given about this time in the lessons.
Regular free writes with sharing will be included in each day.
Mini lessons and reflections of each part will be included in the Degree Paper
Part 5 Digital Writing Unit
Part 5
Mini Lessons -
1. Digital audio recordings pg 49-75
2. Digital stories and essays pg 58-75
Freewrite – Of all the information you gave about yourself in your Digital 5 frame story “Who am I”
Write some specific details about the events in your five frames. Where were you? Why were you there? Why do you wish you were in the picture or at the place? Who is important to you? Why? When did you begin enjoying these activities? Who influences you?
Show Digital Story “Transformation, A Dream” and “The Family reunion”
Class discussion: Talk about drafts and revising
Now, underline one event or activity that you think you could turn into a bigger story.
Part 3 and 4 of Digital Writing Unit
Part 3
Place students into small writing groups
Part 4-
Digital Stories – What are they? How are they different?
Mini Lessons – Reference - The Digital Writing Workshop by Troy Hicks
1. Compare - Writers Workshop to Digital Writers Workshop pg 1-4
2. Integrating new technologies pg 5-10
3. Blogging pg 31-41
Class Blog is pulled up and ready for responses. Remember that we are building our community so we want all positive statements and comments.
1. Write about something that surprised you, excited you about the team, and confused you? You can ask questions of your classmates on the Blog. Then, respond to one other person that hasn’t had a response yet.
(We’ll revisit this in May to see if we have changed.)
Today’s is ready for your comments. Respond and give a positive character trait you see in someone. Let’s try to include every team member. Look to see who hasn’t been included yet.
Examples: kind, athletic, compassionate, caring, thoughtful, fun, humorous, creative etc…
Part 2 of Writing Unit
Part 2 –
Free write – How do you feel about your class after hearing all the digital stories? Write what’s on your mind. 3 minutes.
Protocol for NWP OWP (info on each) –Opportunity to share
no apologies, no responses – thank you for sharing.
Listening Activity – Why is listening important?
Turning to One Anotherv by Margaret J. Wheately
I will read parts of the paper(students will view under the Elmo) to the students.
Free write about thoughts that Ms. Wheately shares on the piece.
Everyone choose one statement from the reading(write it on an index card) that you think is important in making everyone on the team an important part. Share with your shoulder partner first why you think the statement you chose is important. Switch to your eye ball partner. Stand up and find someone who has the same statement as you. Get into groups of like listening statements.
Class discussion…Is listening important and why?
Listen to Digital Stories for a second time. What do we know about our teammates now?
Activity - everyone is valuable and has strengths to offer to the team. Let’s re-watch the 5 frame videos and take notes on something that stands out about each person. Later we’ll construct something digital that reflects who we are as a team and we’ll need the information you gather now.
A fabulous week of freewrites to unclog my brain
Free writing – Summer 2012 – OWP Digital Writing
A fantastic week of free writing unclogged my brain and took me to literally 100’s of subjects I haven’t thought in a long time, and to new things I have never learned and had opportunity to think about and comment on. I have them to refer back to. It looks like a have years of writing materials available.
Google + Check it out! Lots of great programs!
I'm excited this morning about this class. I can't wait to figure out how to get my wiki and blog uploaded correctly today. Being a bit of a perfectionist, I want it right.
Try to establish a safe environment to write and share in a daily blog. Hope that it is a great addition and not just one more thing.
I appreciate Dr. Franklin. She does what a teacher should...she puts me at ease. The best environment to learn is to be at ease, safe not only for my students but also for adults. If we do not feel this safety, we will not learn or write to our greatest potential.
I see someone I know and my brain is saying how do I know her? It will come to me it always does.
Be anxious for nothing. But in everything pray and give thanks. I am thankful that I have this opporunity to become a better teacher. I am thankful to have opportunities to learn. I hope that I can be a blessing to my classmates. I hope to be inspired. I hope that my mind will open up to fantastic ideas to use when we learn. I had an idea last night and didn't write it down. What was that??????
It just isn't coming to me. It was about something that I know...I remember. the idea was to write about and film the garden, squash, cucumbers etc... that seem to grow overnight. I also have two flowering plants with blooms that open very quicky. The first is a primrose where the bloom opens in 1 minute. It has to be ready, the other I call moon plant. It has large white blossoms that open within a day. Facinating, anyway, I was thinking that it might make a cool pod cast. But, I'm not totally sure what podcasting is all about.
I hope my school can find a way to have ipads for my students. I'm wondering if they could bring them from home. I am totally changing my thinking. At one time I was against students bringing their electronics to school. Now I see that it is going to be essential and wonder how my district and children and grandchildren will afford these needed items.. I used to view them as wanted and now I see them as needed. Our world is changing quickly. Let's teach our students to use the technology for learning and teach them to be safe and honest. How can we make all of this happen. It is like all things that are good. They are from the Lord. He makes all things that are good. I still have serious concern for the evil things that come with technology. Especiallly because our young people are not all brought up with an understanding of right and wrong.
Scripture says that the devil prowls like a roaring lion and it is true. He comes to steal kill an destroy. I'm wondering if I will feel like I will share this informaiton
1. Talk to principal about need for ipads
2. Discuss the possiblity of students bringing theirs from home since many of them have them
3. Find a way to get an Ipad for myself.
4. Be a leader for my school and district
5. Talk to students about how they use the ipads
6. Get students blogging ASAP when school starts.
7. Talk to teachers about possibly blogging so we can communicate more freely instead of being locked in our own world of the classroom.
I appreciate a partner reminding me again that we are all at different levels. I'm thankful that most o the things that I learn are not only applicable for myself but also my school and classroom.
I appreciate Dr. Franklin. She does what a teacher should...she puts me at ease. The best environment to learn is to be at ease, safe not only for my students but also for adults. If we do not feel this safety, we will not learn or write to our greatest potential.
I see someone I know and my brain is saying how do I know her? It will come to me it always does.
Be anxious for nothing. But in everything pray and give thanks. I am thankful that I have this opporunity to become a better teacher. I am thankful to have opportunities to learn. I hope that I can be a blessing to my classmates. I hope to be inspired. I hope that my mind will open up to fantastic ideas to use when we learn. I had an idea last night and didn't write it down. What was that??????
It just isn't coming to me. It was about something that I know...I remember. the idea was to write about and film the garden, squash, cucumbers etc... that seem to grow overnight. I also have two flowering plants with blooms that open very quicky. The first is a primrose where the bloom opens in 1 minute. It has to be ready, the other I call moon plant. It has large white blossoms that open within a day. Facinating, anyway, I was thinking that it might make a cool pod cast. But, I'm not totally sure what podcasting is all about.
I hope my school can find a way to have ipads for my students. I'm wondering if they could bring them from home. I am totally changing my thinking. At one time I was against students bringing their electronics to school. Now I see that it is going to be essential and wonder how my district and children and grandchildren will afford these needed items.. I used to view them as wanted and now I see them as needed. Our world is changing quickly. Let's teach our students to use the technology for learning and teach them to be safe and honest. How can we make all of this happen. It is like all things that are good. They are from the Lord. He makes all things that are good. I still have serious concern for the evil things that come with technology. Especiallly because our young people are not all brought up with an understanding of right and wrong.
Scripture says that the devil prowls like a roaring lion and it is true. He comes to steal kill an destroy. I'm wondering if I will feel like I will share this informaiton
1. Talk to principal about need for ipads
2. Discuss the possiblity of students bringing theirs from home since many of them have them
3. Find a way to get an Ipad for myself.
4. Be a leader for my school and district
5. Talk to students about how they use the ipads
6. Get students blogging ASAP when school starts.
7. Talk to teachers about possibly blogging so we can communicate more freely instead of being locked in our own world of the classroom.
I appreciate a partner reminding me again that we are all at different levels. I'm thankful that most o the things that I learn are not only applicable for myself but also my school and classroom.
Acknoledge that we are all at a different place
some bach some masters, some in life crisis, some on even keal.
Try to establish a safe environment to write and share in a daily blog. Hope that it is a great addition and not just one more thing.
I don't think I want to live in the world like the Jetsons where we just take a pill instead of eating roast beef...yet I'm the first one to skip eating or grab whatever because of the merry go round I find myself on. Somedays I want to go back to the pioneer days and live off the land. I still love sitting in the swing and working my land and making things by hand. I'm wondering what is ahead and what it will look like and if we will be happy.
What is a story in its purest form every story has lots of side stories what is an anticdote? start with the action - maybe a good place to start give your audience bate....leave them in suspension raise questions and the answer them. those out more questions to keep them interested another tool... have moments of reflection. heres why I'm telling you a story heres why Im taking your time anicdote with reflection action and events that mean noghint its predictable thats a problem something boring but very interesting and compeling do you have a sequence of events and why does it matter nancy atwell - every piece should have a so what to it?
This morning I have Ira Glass on my mind. His story tellers captured my attention. Their voices were right and the stories interesting. Afterwards he as hosts adds the fun because he talks to the writers and lets us hear what was going on behind the scene of each story. On NWP we are asked to comment on each piece which adds the same element, the real person behind the story. How to capture these skills and talent I feel sure will take practice and a safe place to write. My classroom will be one of those places.
My next thoughts go to Troy Hicks and his book on Digital Writing. He also brought many applicable thoughts to my mind and table.
He lists effective and ineffective and says ask if you don't know.
In a fast moving world booming with new ideas and words and technology, some are feeling left behind.
I'm going to change the words: Effective might mean expertise and ineffective might be ignorance. Effective might be a strength where ineffective might be a challenge.
All of these are positive in a way because it means we have space to learn. The negative comes in when we are fearful of rejection for our challenges and areas of ignorance. If I am ignorant about car engines but I have an expertise in writing then should I be viewed as stupid? If I am ignorant about basketball but I have an expertise in tennis than am I to be considered stupid? If I have am ignorant about computers and technology because it is changing so fast but I have an expertise in horticulture than should I be viewed as stupid?
Children and adults will back up and not try if this is the case. We must view every person as valuable with great strengths to offer, always willing to listen because hearing another will make you wise says research.
Troy Hicks in his book Digital Writing added that we must not be afraid to ask. There is a world of people who want to learn and will try if they feel safe to get help. I'm asking everyone with an expertise to be willing to freely share it whatever that strength might be. I plan to write much more
ay 2 proved to be as exciting as Day 1, even more so because we are building on what we learn. It was another safe day of learning where we jumped in and experimented with new technology. I worked on making a Digital Photo Essay.
I found some fun pictures on a disc of an important time in my families life. We turned an old building known formally as a grade A Milking Parlor into an art studio, complete with a courtyard. I need some before pictures of the outside because I know I have some after pictures. I'm going to work on that tonight.
I know my family and friends(my audience) will appreciate it because many of them shared labor male and female. It was a big undertaking that involved a new roof, knocking down walls, painting, sheet rocking to insulate and repair, more painting inside and out. Plastering, pouring concrete to level floors, hauling gravel. The more I think about it, I have more pictures somewhere of these things. I hope to find some when I get home.
We have had lots of troubles with slow computers at home. Regularly my husband would ask me to take my pictures off of the hard drive and save them on flash drives. I guarded those with my life(didn't label them good enough) and this week, I'm not exactly sure where they are.
These kinds of projects(making digital essays can be quick or take hours if you have to "research" find the pictures.
I feel a bit better hearing others talk about the fact that we are moving fast in this class, open this, write this, try that...It's all good, very good. I'm learning and that's why I'm here.
It is now and I know will be in the future, a continued blessing. Sometimes we talk about moving via the work involved in keeping up an acreage and old home. It was built in 1880. There's another topic I want to research, who lived there and who changed what through the years to what it's like today.
I tried to upload a presentation to my profile page for my class. It was in Smilebox. Ok, It worked, except I immediately started getting ads on my editing screen which I cannot seen to get rid of. I deleted the smilebox, but they are still there. What??????????????????????????????? Does anyone know what to do? I don't remember ads at the top of my blog before either. I'm wondering if these are from blogger and I just hadn't noticed them or if it's because of this smilebox upload. I'm trying to stay calm. Th problem is I don't trust the ads to be appropriate. Who knows... Tonight, I can't get my computer to recognize a CD I have in it. I need the pictures for my cla
What is a story in its purest form every story has lots of side stories what is an anticdote? start with the action - maybe a good place to start give your audience bate....leave them in suspension raise questions and the answer them. those out more questions to keep them interested another tool... have moments of reflection. heres why I'm telling you a story heres why Im taking your time anicdote with reflection action and events that mean noghint its predictable thats a problem something boring but very interesting and compeling do you have a sequence of events and why does it matter nancy atwell - every piece should have a so what to it?
I'm writing about one of my most embarrasing moments for my digital storytelling essay. I've only filmed it once. I can see that I need extra people to help me with the effects. I don't feel that it is even close to being good yet but it has potential. It's a crazy story that I enjoy telling about getting ready for a family reunion one year. To start I wanted to write about my trip to Taiwan and it's many unknowns. When I wrote the events it seemed doable. I'd like to have that part of my life recorded before I forget the details. When I conferenced with Audrey, she gave me positive feedback but we both agreed that there were multiple stories in my story and maybe it was too broad for this assignment. None the less I wrote the events down and was ready to make a digital story. By the time I got home, I changed my mind. I spent the evening writing the events for two more crazy experiences I have had that everyone loves to hear me tell. Of course I act it out as well. So now I have 3 sets of events written!!!!!! What I don't use now I'll use in my classroom to model. My process for my digital storytelling. My choice "The Family Reunion." The next step is a need for pictures. Being an artist the first thought was to draw them out like a childrens story(kind of cartoonish) I stuck with that plan an used watercolor to finish them. First I tried to record it on my Smartphone. The file was too large to down load. Next I tried my Cannon Camera. Bingo. I need more sounds and effects. This morning when I arrived I loaded it in Moviemaker and that's where I'm at now, ready to do some serious editing. I'd actually like to record it again a couple of times to get the total effect of emotion. Right now, it's just a very rough draft. It's whole but rough. The story has never died and someone brings it up every year. Then we laugh and when someone gets married and we have a new family member I have to relive and retell the story. I usually act it out. I like drama. The actual event happened at Price Cutter. For the sake of the class I called it Sally's Grocery. If I can bring it to perfection I want to put it up on You tube. It's one of my goals. I have a crazy snake story that I'd like to turn into a digital story and publish it too. I'm taking to heart the words that Keri said yesterday, what do you want people to see and know about you when they google your name. I did that last night and found over 300 posts for Elaine Ashley. I was shocked. There was nothing exciting about me there...that needs to change. As my students work this year on their digital storytelling, I already have ideas and events recorded for several stories. I will model this year and I'm well on my way to doing that with these great story starts. I appreciate everyone who has stepped up to the plate to help me in this digital world. I'm trying to stop being fearful, but so often there is one thing you need to do to make something work and I can't seem to see what the one thing is very often.
I'm meeting with my writing group at 9:30 via Google handout on line.
Good morning, I've been reading Twitter this morning. What's great about it???? Well, for one thing, the people are passionate about what they are talking about.
I tried to upload a presentation to my profile page for my class. It was in Smilebox. Ok, It worked, except I immediately started getting ads on my editing screen which I cannot seen to get rid of. I deleted the smilebox, but they are still there. What??????????????????????????????? Does anyone know what to do? I don't remember ads at the top of my blog before either. I'm wondering if these are from blogger and I just hadn't noticed them or if it's because of this smilebox upload. I'm trying to stay calm. Th problem is I don't trust the ads to be appropriate. Who knows... Tonight, I can't get my computer to recognize a CD I have in it. I need the pictures for my cla
When I heard the title flipping I had no idea what the subject was going to be Flipping a great concept and surprise.
You might think why do we need teachers if we are going to use software to teach our classes. It's because this will free up the teacher to give more one on one. Also students can watch the lesson over as many times as needed. I could differentiate much more easily. Another plus is that absent students could see the lesson when they return.
It would be hard to do all lessons, but you could do one lesson to start and see how it goes.
What kind of feedback do you want about your digital story?
Content process,
I feel that it is just a rough draft. Yesterday my writing group saw the video, like me they said they thought it had potential.
It's a fun story, a good size, but because I was manning the camera and the audio, the emotion didn't come out at all.
They said and I agree that I need more pictures. There are a few clips missing.
I want to know if it's anyting that anyone would find fun and interesting. A crazy exprience that could happen to anyon
Make sure that you the writer are in charge of what kind of feedback you want.
YOu don't want to burst the bubble of your writers.
Bless , press and address
Give your audience purpose for listening.
praise questions and polish
When will you meet for your group.
Discuss your professinal piece and digital story.
Try that:
POst a google doc and comment or make notes and then
google hangout
Creat cirle for your writing group.
Todays meet
logtalkradio - need user name and password
open a google doc. Post before you meet.
Write comments or
meet first and then add comments
1. This fun blond friend I met MSU who has never chewed bubble gum because her mom told her it was bad for her(who listens to moms) She was the cheeriest person I had ever met. She told of a trip across the country, sky diving and stopping different places becaue her family had lived many places through her childhood.
2. So this friend takes me sailing with the sailing team and we go to a regota in Iowa and even participate. We went spelunking in the white river in Ark. We were 8 hours under and almost fell off of a cliff and crawled through water because the passages were so small.
This is someone who liked me and invited me to be her friend. She's the most fun person I had ever what?
She invites me to go with her to California. I even agree to go. She forgets to mention that her mom doesn't know that I'm coming. I still wonder about that. Did she just forget to mention it or did she just not want to ask? Why was it that I went on this adventure?
I had rarely traveled anywhere. We go to Texas(the panhandle they told me) to an antique store her family was trying to sell. Her brother tended the store. He was handsome and fun and their mother seemed distraght and cool. We slept on the floor of the building and that was ok, but looking back it was a bit different.
After seeing grandparents and (another story - meeeting old friends of my friend pretending to be an old friend myself saying don't you remember me - shocking because I was soooooo shy)
We headed out for California. I needed a map really, I didn't ever learn geography and had no clue where we were going. You can imagine that I was surprised when we got to the desert in a car with no air conditioning. At a small remote gas station(the only one for miles and miles) we each got one bottle of water and some paper towels. by the time we were out of the desert we had been out of water for many hours. More new experiences.
AS we roll into ReDondo Beach I see the ocean for my first time ever.
The statements are so true. It was eye opening when we added the beginning part of the text with the follow up reflecting what happens. I have experienced these things to be true.
I do feel that my teaching style is to the right. We learn from inquiry...I never sit at my desk. You have to be creative when grading with rubrics that are very specific to process and task. My days are long because I interact with students constantly. When the day is done, by work is only beginning. I am on a constant search to work smarter not harder. With a goal to have everyone engaged whether that is writing a novel in the back or getting caught up because life is hard and someone is behind. It's a challenge. It's worth it. I think... This morning I'm enthused about digital writing. I delved into my book and figured out to do the portfolio yeah. It looks like I got the same computer so maybe my pod cast is still on the desktop. I'll check shortly.
After reading and working yesterday, I want to change my class. We have only 3 laptops and limited access to the computer lab. I am determined to figure it out. We will have them soon I feel certain. Will it be this year or next??????? How can we make it happen? Emma looking sweet...Emma looking sly...Emma pulling Gabes hair then Emma kissing his head to make up.
Flowers, missing leaves, digging, drought, refreshing life giving water
I do feel that my teaching style is to the right. We learn from inquiry...I never sit at my desk. You have to be creative when grading with rubrics that are very specific to process and task. My days are long because I interact with students constantly. When the day is done, by work is only beginning. I am on a constant search to work smarter not harder. With a goal to have everyone engaged whether that is writing a novel in the back or getting caught up because life is hard and someone is behind. It's a challenge. It's worth it. I think... This morning I'm enthused about digital writing. I delved into my book and figured out to do the portfolio yeah. It looks like I got the same computer so maybe my pod cast is still on the desktop. I'll check shortly.
After reading and working yesterday, I want to change my class. We have only 3 laptops and limited access to the computer lab. I am determined to figure it out. We will have them soon I feel certain. Will it be this year or next??????? How can we make it happen? Emma looking sweet...Emma looking sly...Emma pulling Gabes hair then Emma kissing his head to make up.
Flowers, missing leaves, digging, drought, refreshing life giving water
Reflection 725
Aug 1, 2012
Digital Writing
Elaine Ashley
Inman Intermediate,
Nixa, MO 65714
Digital writing is taking writing to a new level that allows an author of any age to become public with their work in multiple Medias. Not only does it have to do with publishing for a bigger audience, digital writing pushes the author to new levels of synthesis. It takes writing to a higher level of thinking and uses parts of the brain that would otherwise not be tapped; thus, all the more reason to integrate digital writing into the classroom. Digital writing compliments and enhances the original writer’s workshop
Troy Hicks, author of The Digital Writing Workshop, explains in Chapter 2, that it has become a necessity in education today to meet new technological standards. It is no longer a choice whether or not a teacher incorporates technology in the classroom. My original thinking was that it would change me as a teacher using technology to present my lessons. That isn’t enough to satisfy the hunger of today’s student. They are hands on and miles ahead of anything I can dream of. Using Digital Writers Workshop gives students the tools they need to excel and create beyond what was thought possible in previous years. Troy does a tremendous job walking the reader through a variety of today’s available tools in technology that makes sense. The chapters are organized in a format the makes the information applicable to any classroom which is important to me personally. As an educator I need tools that fit into the standards already in place and are at my fingertips for practical everyday use.
I already have two class Blogs, but hope to use them much more efficiently. I took my students to the computer lab and we were exploring, writing and commenting on each other’s comments. It is a start but not to the levels that are available to us today. In order to get the full effect I need from Troy’s book, I will need to spend time reading and rereading. My plan is to use it like a favorite cookbook with it open on my desk for constant reference.
In my 725 OWP Digital Writing Class, we were pushed at a fast pace to explore new software and ideas. In a short period of time, one week to be exact, plus work online, I have seen and experimented with more different tools than I had ever previously tried. Wow! During the experience it was a bit scary, but, effective in the end, bringing new life to my teaching style. My students as well as anyone I come into contact with will be the benefactors. Previously I had used Skype and Face time with my family, but Google handout is much more effective in my opinion. That is just one small example of the new pieces of technology that is available to me for professional or personal use.
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